Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Now this is the confidence that we
have in Him, that if we ask anything
according to His will, He hears us. (1 john 5:14)

I would like to invite all students around plettenburg bay ,Kwa Nokuthula,tertiary students,teacher and parents to join us as we will be combining our faith together to pray for final examinations,for God to bless and help all our students to pass,to give encouraging words as well.

Join us this coming sunday at  WKH church 7408  skhosana street phase 3

A not  to be missed service.

Contact  me Pastor Jacob

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Here’s a principle of success: 
Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
Hardly rocket science or ground-breaking, I know. But extremely rare. The more I interact with people, the more I observe their behavior and actions, the more I see that most people aren’t interested in other people’s well-being. They’re interested in themselves.
Dare to be the exception.
That’s what makes this principle even more powerful. If you live by it, you’ll be an exception, a part of the few. And that’s why you’ll be sought after, valued, and respected. 


 The power of beleaving caused marry to the Lord Jesus in this world if she didn't believe maybe Jesus would come through someone else,when we believe the word we are able to carry our blessing and prepare for its coming Luke chapter 1vs43 or 45 its not enough for u to be a christian u must be a believing believer,for what is promised to be fullfilled

 Look at the attitude of marry after she received the word from the angel(pastor) read how she was grolifying God exalting his name,she believed although physically it was impossible,read vs46 till the end...she was just glorfying and praising God 53 says He has filled the hungry(jobless) he has helped his servant.....

Lets join our faith together and beleave that the Lord Jesus can bless you with what you want to receive no matter how impossible your situation is,he will make the impossible to become possible

send your request via sms or whattsapp on my number 0734318356

may the Lord bless you abundantly

Pastor Jacob.

Change your life today.

The secret of ur success is determined b ur daily agenda .If you make a few key decisions and then manage them well in your daily agenda,you will succeed. If u want to change ur life then start to change what u do daily,success doesn't just suddenly occur one day in someones life,neither does failure.Each is a process Every day of ur life is a preparation for the next. What u become is a result of what u do today,in other r preparing for something,the way u live ur life today is preparing you for ur tomorrow,the BIG question is,what r u preparing for,success or failure?someone once said"you can pay now and play later or you can play now and pay later,But either way you are going to pay... Let's continue tomorrow to learn through this blog,how can we have successful lives,pls do share this blog if u find it intersting,God bless u friends

Pastor Jacob.
