Thursday, February 12, 2015


Before i came to Will of God Ministries my life was in darkness,i had sleepless nights,nightmares,bad dreams.Nothing seems to be working out,i had no peace in my heart,always stressed,i remember one year i looked in the mirror it was begining of the year,i wascrying  because i didnt nkow how i was going to pay for my childrens school uniforms,although i ha money coming in i  didn't know were it was going,things were always breaking in my house i always had to replace them,that was frustrating.

I had about WGM i decided to comne and attend one of the daily services,i would participate in movements of faith in the church,strong prayers on fridays,i would come fight for my financial breakthrough every monday.

Things started to change,i had inner peace ,God would alway provide for my needs even though i was not working,always when i was asking myself how am i going to do this or that,a solution would come,my faith was revived,i could sleep well at night no more bad dreams,i learned about tithing and offering the right way,God began to open doors in my financies,i was called for a job interview and was employed,i now manage my own business,God is opening doors and more doors will open for me,i wake up with confidence knowing that with God all things are possible.

To the one reading this testimony i want to say to you,Jesus Christ is alve and he wants to change your situatuin as well as he has done to me.

Miss Mabele

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