Some people who attend church for sometime usually start calling themselves "members" of the church.There's a great misunderstanding about this.We need to be very clear about what it means to be a member of the church.
First of all,when we say "church" we must understand the different meanings the word "church"can bear.
Some people call "church the building where they come to worship.Another meaning for church is a religious organization- normally a system or a set of doctrines and beliefs practiced by a group of people.
But ghe biblical meanjng of church -the meaning we are referring to here in this message -is the gathering of people who are part of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.They are the true Christians,those who have been washed by his blood,saved and born a new person by a life changing experience with Him.These people are the "Church" of the Lord Jesus Christ,and they form part of His church worldwide,crossing denominational barriers.
So who is a member of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ ?
In a simple statement,a member of the church is that person who,apart from being washed by Jesus blood, saved and born a new person,makes a positive contribution to the church whede he belongs.Let me explain.
This is how the dictionery defines "member"
1.Somebody who belongs to and participates in a particular group by birth,for example , a family,species,or social club class,or by choice ,a church ,club or organisation;
2.A part of organ of a plant or animal body,especialy a limb,
3.An integral and distinct part of a whole.
If you read carefully,you will note that every definition of this word implies _participation_and _contribution_to the body,ie.walk.If my leg is cut offand is no longer connected to my body,then its no longer a "member".
In the ssme way ,a member of the church is someone who belongs,joins in,contributes,makes a difference,and advances the cause of the gospel.Its not just someone who has been baptised and carries a membership card.Nor someone who attends the church regularly and gives his offerings.A member is much more than that.
If you want to know whether you areca real member of the church ,ask youself:What am i contributing to positively advance the cause of the gospel ?
The Lord Jesus said that He who is not with Him is against Him,and he who does not gather with Him scatters.This simply means,you can only be with Jesus or against Jesus.If you are with Him, you join Him and make His work stronger;if you are not with Him,you scatter,you divide,and you become a burden-and consequently an enemy of Jesus.
What are you doing in the church? What is your positive contribution to constantly advance the cause of tge gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ ?Are you a strong leg that is helping the body of Jesus to move on or are you a crippled leg that has to be dragged around by the good one?
The real members of the church do not miss Sunday ssrvices. Where were you last sunday,where will you be next sunday.I hope,together with the rest of thebody of Christ.
So,are you gathering or scattering?
Pst Jay